Snakes on the Brain

There is protection to be found in fear. Passion to be mined from anger. Synchronicity can be found in jealousy. Stillness is promised in numbness. Lazy is a master of surrender. Lay it on me, bring me your “ugliest”, most destructive, emotions and I will show you the value within them. The value we’ve lost sight of, which is why it hurts so much. Without exception.

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Jennifer ThomsonComment
Rebel Heart Transcendence

Who else has a rebel heart? ⁣⁣
My indigo child nature makes me naturally very anti-authority. This definitely comes in handy when you’ve been born on a planet with rampantly misguided authority figures, seemingly everywhere.

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Jennifer ThomsonComment
Lost in the Trees, Until I See the Forest

Sometimes I feel like I’m going through the motions. The days bleed together, I can get caught up in my shuffle. Half in half out of my body. When I exhaust this, or I pick up enough of myself to remember, I go to my inner elevator, literally, and I press the button for the top floor. I rise as far as I possibly can. Dis-identifying from the character we call Jen, and all she carries...

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Jennifer ThomsonComment
Emotional Process Coaching

Process Coaching is a revolutionary technique that equips you with that which you need to heal to wholeness. Unconditional self love is ultimately all that's required to heal on every level, however, that can be easier said than done. Process Coaching lays out the protocols and techniques needed to facilitate love's healing on the deepest levels of your being. We all have…

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Jennifer Thomson
Consciousness in Service to Sentience

Let's think about this for a minute. ;) Understanding mentally in the mind, without understanding emotionally, is only half of the equation as a human being. If you expect yourself to no longer experience pain, or negative patterns in your life, because you mentally understand are to be sorely mistaken. Hence…

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Jennifer Thomson
Who Are You?

Who are you?

I want to talk with you about the intangible, about energy, about our internal universe, which mainstream science more and more confirms is what our reality is made of. Consciousness. We can easily lose track of this as we live our lives by the five senses, identified with our bodies, which sit in solid chairs and walk upon the concrete streets of our lives. Our culture

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Jennifer Thomson
Finding Alignment

Pain, or discomfort, happens when we are out of alignment."Out of alignment with what what?", you might ask. The answer is our soul, our spirit, our "higher selves". We are more than bodies carrying out the narratives of our little lives here on this planet. We are…

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Jennifer Thomson