
Jen has worked as a professional intuitive/psychic for over 10 years, giving thousands of readings for people all over the world. She was born, raised, and currently resides in California. A natural born extra sensory, she came to find at a very young age that the adults around her were not having the same experience she was. While they saw black when their eyes were closed, every time Jen closed hers she saw bright colors, shapes, sacred geometry, pictures, faces, energy. Paranormal experiences were not uncommon throughout her life.

At the age of twelve she was drawn to the tarot and began giving readings to family and friends. She also launched a teen advice website in 1997, the early pioneer days of the internet, called Ask Jen. This caught the attention of some producers at the Montel Williams Show, where she was offered a regular guest spot as a teen advice expert. She began doing energetic readings with friends in her late teens and publicly for the last ten years. It remains to this day her mission to help people find clarity and resolve in their lives using her gifts.

She experiences all of the clairs, clairvoyant, claircognizent, clairsentient, and clairaudient. She has received certifications from Aesclepion: Clairvoyant Training Program, Matrix Energetics, and Healing to Wholeness.

Jen attributes her abilities partially to her upbringing. All children posses a heightened sense of extra sensory perception, however because it is not validated in most families and cultures, it shuts down as we’re trained to focus in other ways. Raised by a young single mother who had a very open mind herself, she encouraged Jen's uniqueness and emotional expression. In fact, one of her mother’s nicknames for her was the little Buddha, as she could recognize her as an old soul.

Jen has spent her life innately dedicated to helping others find clarity, cultivating her own awareness, and finding the humor in it all along the way. She holds an empathic & non-judgmental space for all she works with. A guiding light, offering clarity and compassion. She hopes one day to be out of a job. To live on a planet of awakened beings. But until then, it is her mission to help you find yourself, and your connection with All That Is.

Blessings of self awareness.

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