When you book a reading, here is what you should know…

In a reading you can look at future potentials, as well as past/current situations, to gain more clarity and insight. Jen can also tune into your energy, or aura, and let you know about your energy and what next steps may help to improve your life. An intuitive reading is like giving the gift of you, to yourself. It's a space where you can get clarity on what’s happening within, and without, past, present, and future. Feel free to bring questions on any topic. For example: relationships, career, spiritual/self development, past lives, or spirit guides.

Jen utilizes all of the “Clair’s”, Clairvoyance, Claircognizance, Clairsentience, and Clairaudience, as well as Tarot, to deliver accurate & insightful information to help you in your life.

It is her intention that after leaving the reading…you will feel lighter and wiser.


Out with the old, in with the gold.

Have a question not covered on this website? Feel free to contact me.


Blessings of infinite insight.

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