Do you want to go deeper on your spiritual journey?

Do you want to resolve the past so you can create the life you want to live?

If so, Process Coaching may be right for you.

Emotional Process Coaching sessions utilize groundbreaking techniques to heal unresolved emotional wounds. It is an alternative to traditional talk therapy, as you will learn to be your own healer! It equips you with the tools necessary to resolve old emotional trauma, or wounds, that everyone carries. By learning how to dive into the unconscious you can clear old blocks, find emotional stability & safety, help transform relationships, and access your ability to manifest your desires. We all have the ability to heal ourselves. The goal of these sessions is to learn repeatable tools that you can do on your own, to learn to heal on the deepest levels of your being, bring new life to your relationships, to your purpose, and reveal the truth of who you are. Free. Powerful. Whole.

Process Coaching offers perceptual tools and inner healing processes that allow you to be who you really are and have what you really want in life. It does this by nurturing all levels of your being; spirit, mind, body, & emotions. This develops your ‘Inner Healer’, the aspect of yourself that is able to find and heal all lost parts of yourself. Integrating on the deepest levels of your being allows you to have access to your full self. The more you can be who you are, the more you can enjoy life, and manifest to your full capacity. We call this process; Healing to Wholeness.

Every tool offered in a Process Coaching Session is designed to aid in developing greater self love for every aspect of yourself, especially your feelings. And when we say every aspect, we mean it. Wholeness happens through connection, not separation. To love every part of who you are is to willingly connect with it, create space for it, accept it where it is at. This creates the alchemy we call healing. When your conscious self willingly shows up for your emotional self in the moment, as it is, this is the path to wholeness. It allows for the life we want to live. Feel to heal, love to live.


Lets get started. Contact me for a free 20min session to see if this work feels right for you.

Minimum of 4 sessions

Bundle of 6 sessions for full experience

Blessings of emotional wellness.

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