Does Jen Do Medium Readings?

Mediumship is the ability to communicate with those who have crossed over. Does Jen talk to dead people? While she does do this spontaneously, she does not practice this type to reading. You can ask her if you’d like, sometimes it does happen, but do not bank on it. However Jen can tune into the energy around someone who has passed, regardless if she contacts them directly.

Am I Psychic?:

Everyone has intuition. We are not all born the same, meaning some are more naturally inclined than others. However all people have this ability and the power to enhance it.

What is Clairvoyance?

Another term for it is your third eye. Clairvoyance literally translates to 'clear sight'. It is the ability to see energy, or the non-physical.

What is Claircognizence?

Ever heard of the saying, I just knew off the top of my head? I just knew it was so and so calling me. Or I just knew he was about to say that. In other words, I have an open crown chackra, which translates to 'clear knowing'.

What is Clairsentience?

More commonly referred to as being an empath. It is the ability to feel energy. To feel what others feel, or in some cases cannot feel in themselves. As well as the ability to feel whatever else might be in the energetic landscape, like beings, or old energetic signatures still hanging out in buildings or land from high intensity events. Most highly sensitive people are usually more clairsentient.


What is Clairaudience?

The ability to hear messages from the non physical realms. It is also the ability to pick up on other peoples thoughts. Often couples who are very in love do this naturally, because they are tuned into the same station, so to speak. This is what clairaudience is. You are not literally reading their mind or hearing their thoughts, it's more like tuning to the same station.

What is an Aura?

The space around you isn’t empty, it’s filled by your energy field! You energy centers, or chakras, project out an energy we call an aura. There are different layers, or colors, in your auric field that hold information. Another way we refer to the aura is as the spirit.

What Are Chakras?

The chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC, recorded in the Vedas, a large body of religious texts. According to the scholar Anodea Judith in her book the Wheels of Life, knowledge of the chakra system was passed down through an oral tradition by the Indo-Eurpoean people, also called the Aryan people. The Chakra system was traditionally an Eastern philosophy until modern New Age authors, like Anodea Judith, introduced the idea to the west by publishing books about the chakras, expanding upon the older texts, and making the knowledge more accessible.

What is a chakra? There are seven ‘main’ chakras along the spine, though some say there are as many as 114 all over the body.  The health of one’s chakras, and therefore aura, is directly connected to the health of the physical body, the mind, and the emotional well-being of a person.

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Benefits of a Intuitive Readings:

In a reading you can get greater insight and understanding of any situation, future, present, and past to gain greater clarity for decision making, greater insight into yourself, as well as insight into the potential future reality you are lining up with.

Benefits of a Process Coaching:

With self integration comes greater abundance on all levels. Learn to step into all aspects of yourself; your spirit, feelings, body, and heart. Learn to integrate old stuck emotional patterns, heal trauma, expand your awareness, gain greater emotional resourcefulness, ground your body, and much more! The tools and frames are easy to learn and highly effective. Comes with a manual.

Benefits of Meditation:

A centered mind helps with stress and anxiety, expands awareness and psychic/intuitive abilities, helps with emotional regulation & self awareness, opens the heart, lengthens attention span, can reduce age related memory loss, improve creativity, well-being, and connection to All That Is. Along with much more!

Have a question about how our session will work that is not covered on this site? Feel free to contact me.

Blessings of wholeness.

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