Emotional Process Coaching


Process Coaching is a revolutionary technique that equips you with that which you need to heal to wholeness. Unconditional self love is ultimately all that's required to heal on every level, however, that can be easier said than done. Process Coaching lays out the protocols and techniques needed to facilitate love's healing on the deepest levels of your being. We all have baggage, traumas, unhealed wounds and Process Coaching offers you, not a way out, but a way through. So many healing modalities bypass the emotions. Process Coaching brings them front and center. My motto is if consciousness is not in service to sentience, it is not very conscious at all.

When you allow yourself to experience the emotions that you've repressed, now within the presence of love, it releases the denial that's kept it trapped in your physical and energetic bodies. This allows it to transmute into relief, happiness, peace, etc. Simply put, when you feel within the presence of love, you heal. Process Coaching teaches you how to step into your inner healer, which means you always have love's healing energy on tap. While it is easy to just say, "love yourself", this work offers you practical navigational tools to actually be able to do just that.

This work is designed to facilitate the unearthing of unconscious energies to be processed and integrated. In the picture above, most of the island is below the surface. This is a good metaphor for the conscious and unconscious. Developing the inner healer allows you to have the resources necessary to bridge these two aspects of your being. Making the darkness conscious. When your emotions are not felt to completion, they are repressed, stored in the unconscious, and act like anchors pulling you back into the same types of experiences. This happens so that you can access the original emotional signature, in an attempt to allow you to feel it to completion this time. If you aren't aware of this dynamic, it can feel like you are cursed. However this is by design to assist you in becoming aware of your lost parts, giving you the emotional ignition needed to raise it's vibration, and heal to wholeness. Learning how to step into your inner healer is the difference between being the director of your movie VS the patron. It's the difference between moving through your pain rather than suffering.

If your life feels in any way like a skipping CD, trapped in the repetitive negative experiences, then Process Coaching may be right for you. Whether it's repetitive negative thoughts, insecurities, disruptive emotional patterns, or if you want to be a better manifester, partner, or parent, Process Coaching empowers you to be your own healer, to love yourself completely, and to show up for life passionate and present. Our primary relationship is to ourselves. It only makes sense that we develop a deeply loving and supportive relationship to ourselves. No one has ever judged, controlled, and standardized themselves into wholeness. Only love is capable of that feat. In order to love wholeheartedly, we have to be willing to feel. The deeper our ability to feel, the deeper we know ourselves, and therefore truly understand what we know, beyond the mind, embodying the truth of who we are. Process Coaching offers a way to bridge all aspects of yourself, and in doing so your ability to be in healthy relationships, and to manifest your desires in life, radically improve. Step back into who you really are and you step into the freedom of living in your purpose. With this, I welcome you to Process Coaching.

<3 Jen

Jennifer Thomson