Love or Fear?


We’ve all heard it, “will you choose love or fear?”. Choose fear!⁣ Say what? ⁣Yes, choose fear. Own it, and it won’t own you. That’s what love would do!

Celebrate your imperfection. ⁣Honor what is. ⁣I’m not saying create more fear. I’m saying choose the fear already held within your unconscious, with love. ⁣When you’ve chosen love you chose fear too, because love doesn’t exclude. So it’s not a matter of choosing between the two. It’s only when you choose fear that you’re operating from exclusion.

⁣If more spiritual people didn’t bypass their fear we might actually get somewhere.⁣

True peace is found in inclusion. When you make an enemy of fear, you’re make fear an enemy of love. And love doesn’t have enemies. You could say fear/love is the same exact energy, the only difference is one key is in tune and one key isn’t in tune. ⁣

So let’s choose love by choosing to love our fear, eh!? Or should we just let it go….?

Let go. We hear this all the time. “You just need to let it go”. Why thank you captain obvious! When you’re hearing this from someone, it’s because you’re feeling upset about something. If you could simply just not be upset anymore, wouldn’t we all opt for that immediately? Often the person giving this advice lacks the ability to remain present with the upset person, just as much as the suffering person themselves, and is trying to detach from the discomfort. Detachment is not the answer.

*Detachment is NOT letting go.*
Remaining present with the discomfort is what it needs to release on its own...

So really when you hear someone talking about letting go, what they’re really saying is; getting really present with yourself as you are. *Letting go is not something you just do*. It’s something you facilitate, paradoxically, through holding it. When something is held long enough in the arms of compassion it will feel safe enough to relax. This is what letting go actually looks like.

This is what it really looks like to choose love over fear.

Jennifer ThomsonComment