Jen Thomson

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Snakes on the Brain

There is protection to be found in fear. Passion to be mined from anger. Synchronicity can be found in jealousy. Stillness is promised in numbness. Lazy is a master of surrender. Lay it on me, bring me your “ugliest”, most destructive, emotions and I will show you the value within them. The value we’ve lost sight of, which is why it hurts so much. Without exception.

When the feminine doesn’t own her emotional domain, predators of consciousness will take up room and board instead...and turn everything sideways. Robbing us of these gifts and leaving us with lies we live with as truth. Reclaim your ‘queendom’. There are no wrong feelings.

There is so much wisdom buried within fear. Within any feeling we deem negative, really. There’s understanding that cannot be found without it. Messages, guidance, understandings that are born from constriction.

Yes, fear is quite often a field full of the land mines of trauma. With unhelpful narratives, lies that need to be undone. But even then, underneath it all, is a goldmine of wisdom. Sacred messages waiting to be read. And with them, priceless understandings. You could say that one cannot really understand the light until you know the darkness. Without contrast, nothing can be truly known.

One of my favorite feelings is when I genuinely feel curiosity, where there was once only fear and resistance. This is how I know the wisdom is sinking in. When my mind remains open and curious even when things get uncomfortable.

I’ve always had a bloodcurdling fear of snakes. Not so coincidentally, they themselves represent wisdom. But never mind that. Lately I’ve been having the inclination to face one. Or hang out with one, rather. Befriend one? I’ve been more drawn to the symbology of snakes as well. I’m still afraid, but I’m curious! And that’s all it takes to break the spell of fear...and mine all the gold it holds. Whether it knows it or not!

Here is to the gold that’s mined from facing the darkness!